Man, so good to come across this just as I'm sitting here next to my crutches, living in a very similar situation (tibia fracture, just below the knee). I have probably 5-6 near misses a day, where I teeter and hop and almost stumble, but love the weird balancing and figuring out of how to get my book/laptop/coffee/etc. from one place to another. Thankfully, like you, I have amazing helpers, but agree 100% with preserving a sense of vitality and exercising agency. Anyway, thank you for the great read. Here's wishing you speedy healing.

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Oof - tibial fracture sounds brutal. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with something similar, but glad you stumbled across this and found it relatable. Wishing you speedy healing and successful balancing and navigation as well Rob!

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Omg I was DYING. First because I really felt the gravity and seriousness of the moment, second when I learned you HAD HELP. Lol I was like, you idiot, YOURE GONNA HURT YOURSELF, and finally, I burst out laughing when you said, Maybe it was the Percocet talking. Ah man, so good.

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Hah, glad to hear you got a kick out of it!

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