Early v this morning I read an email I never wanted to read. And then i had to, Why? because it came from the son of my oldest friend. We grew up together in wartime London, and though I married young and moved to Rhodesia we never lost touch.

Now. as I read on, I learn she has cancer and it has spread. Will I see her again? Not in this lifetime-no blue airletters, No facetime calls. It’s so sad, not tragic, we have both lived more years than most, but memories remain and there cannot be a replacement. So I have reached the stage where maybe there will be a similar letter, or maybe my children will write one on me. Mortality - yes, that’s what it’s about.

How long do I have?

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Wow. Thanks for reading and sharing Patricia. Sounds like a really impactful and surreal thing to come to terms with. Sad but not tragic seems to be a good distinction, about both the experience with your friend and mortality in general - things that are facts of life but still very difficult to confront and deal with.

Looking forward to meeting you in a few months and hearing more stories!

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Inevitably in so many circumstances face us every day , what we cannot change we must accept, graciously.

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Whoa - this is 'the good shit' and it is sticking. Sometimes I'll let my inbox stack up with unread newsletters thinking I don't have time to properly reflect or apply some of the lessons sprinkled throughout the writing others are sharing. Thanks for permission to take the pressure off, enjoy, and let whatever sticks, stick.

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Love that - appreciate it brother.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Alex Michael

Feels like the zeitgeist today is to feel your way into actions rather than think. From Home Sapiens to Home Sentients. I also think your perspective is highly relevant for people who want to create online. I abhor the mantra that some people push: "creating value". It's so transactional and lacks imagination. We don't need to tell people what to do, just share what we find interesting and they may find interesting too.

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Spot on. The create/add value concept is gross

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My simple argument to support and describe what you have just written about is that we realise the dignity in giving value but we think that is the only way to have dignity. Also, leisure (otium in Latin) is a lost art. Restore leisure.

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Well said! And amen to restoring leisure for its own sake.

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Timely essay, Alex! I’m currently trying to move away from the “value extraction from everything“ mindset and tap into the “do what feels right, cede control, and trust wherever the path goes.” Overthinking and over complicating, BEGONE!

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Amen. Easier said than done, but I think we're up to the challenge.

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Alex, SUCH a banger piece (clearly, we were in complete sync for our essay topics this past week and I love it). I think we have a lot to learn from each other, lol. I love the picture you paint with the dog analogy. When we take a step back, we truly do overcomplicate our lives, don’t we? I also really appreciate the truth behind the music festival scene -- I think that’s a quiet reality that all writers are facing in one way or another. “How can I make this profound?” or “How can I turn this experience into a life-changing essay?” or whatnot. We pile the pressure on...but for what? Very thought-provoking piece!! Nice job!

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Much appreciated Grace! Haha yes we were very much in sync. Love it.

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This came together so well Alex and I love the title. The paragraph starting with "I need to take action" had me laughing deeply from its relatability. I couldn't help but thinking as I read this the first time and again here now, that this essay was written for me. The CTA was compelling; I am compelled.

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Appreciate you Haley! Thanks for all your feedback and kind words.

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I feel this, I find myself writing something and then towards the end my mindset goes from “this experience was dope, can’t wait to write about it and share it with the world!” To “well this is fun but what is the message? What do I want the reader to take from this and be able to improve in their own life?”

Sometimes, the best CTA is no CTA, just enjoyment.

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This turned out so well, and I love the photo!

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Appreciate your help and insight as always Rick 👌🏼 Yeah AI image generation is awesome isn’t it?

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