I'm so curious what snippets of this rollicking fantasy might be auto-biographical. Are you a genius numbers guy? Is your hair your own? Did you ever hip-check an arguing couple in an airport? Do tell.
Thanks man. That is very helpful feedback - I was curious about the pacing. My early drafts had a ton of filler, and I was worried it was too much so I cut it down. Apparently I overcorrected, which is good to know!
YES! I love where you took this. The ending's beautiful now. I particularly love this: “Tell me more,” he heard himself say with a strange softness."
What an amazing thing that, like all the arrival of all these soon-to-be-connected characters in this story, this wonderful fiction piece arrived this week, asking to be worked with. It's such a thrill to see where you've brought it to from earlier drafts to this new and more emotional whole.
I'm so curious what snippets of this rollicking fantasy might be auto-biographical. Are you a genius numbers guy? Is your hair your own? Did you ever hip-check an arguing couple in an airport? Do tell.
Ha, only that for a time I was way too concerned with what I looked like!
Very good questions, all!
: )
I loved the beginning. Thought it was gonna be a comedy, but you took a left turn there turning it into a heartfelt drama.
Thanks Grant. Yeah, I played around with a bunch of endings...tried to strike the right balance - not quite sure I succeeded!
Definitely a fun story and I think you should keep writing fiction as long as you enjoyed this one
Loved this, your great turns of phrase translate well to the short story!
One request from me: more filler! I don't think the fiction needs the same pace, and I'm happy to read a much longer version :)
Thanks man. That is very helpful feedback - I was curious about the pacing. My early drafts had a ton of filler, and I was worried it was too much so I cut it down. Apparently I overcorrected, which is good to know!
YES! I love where you took this. The ending's beautiful now. I particularly love this: “Tell me more,” he heard himself say with a strange softness."
What an amazing thing that, like all the arrival of all these soon-to-be-connected characters in this story, this wonderful fiction piece arrived this week, asking to be worked with. It's such a thrill to see where you've brought it to from earlier drafts to this new and more emotional whole.
Such great stuff, man. More, please!
Thanks brother! Appreciate all your help.