Wow! Just wow.

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Thanks Sairam! Hope you had a fantastic Father's Day with your family.

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Really touched me. I had a similar experience with my own 88 year old Father (healthy and thriving) who had a widowmaker at 60. I was skiing the slopes of Vail on Christmas Day with friends and family and had to haul ass to Dallas where he’d collapsed on my brother’s kitchen floor on Christmas morning. I was also lost and not ready. Thank you for the essay. Here’s mine from Fathers Day.


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Thanks for the kind words Dee. That sounds like a hell of a harrowing experience on Christmas Day. Thanks for sharing your essay as well - really enjoyed it.

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fuck dude i'm crying what the hell your dad sounds amazing

also where is the city of the beach of the bay

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Virginia Beach, VA! And he is indeed amazing

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Oh man, this was just so beautiful and moving. Thank you for writing this. I felt that love for your father very strongly. It made me think of my Mom. What a gift to be able to say the things you said about your Dad. My heart is tender from reading.

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Appreciate the kind words brother - love that it made you think of your Mom.

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“I also see the other side of this coin of mortality. The fact of our impermanence gives each day a profound significance.”

- This is a wise way of looking at the end.

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Thanks Jon!

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Alex, your overflowing love and appreciation for your dad is so big it spills over and touches fatherhood itself. I know, because as a father, I can feel the strength in the deep roots of your gratitude. That's the kind of thing that makes a father truly happy. The kind of thing that tells you, no matter what, your kid is going to be okay. Your dad must be proud. Happy father's day to him and I'm glad for you and your family that he's still here.

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Thanks for the kind words Rick :) Hope you had an awesome Father's Day celebrating three Lewis generations!

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This was beautiful, thank you for sharing Alex.

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